Valsa is the daughter of Mathai from Chettiath, Koodalloor and Mary Chazhikattu. She was born in May 1950 in Koodalloor Chettiath family. She is a nurse and married M.C. Jacob, son of M.C. Chacko Mutholath (Kizhakke-Varikattu) and Achamma Edattukunnel Chalil Uzhavoor on June 8, 1975 at Cherpunkal Kalloor Church.
Children of Jacob Mutholath and Valsa Chettiath are Anisha, Dina, and Brian.
Valsa Chettiath Wife of M.C. Jacob Mutholath.
Wedding of M.C. Jacob Mutholath and Valsa Chettiath at Cherpunkal.
Chettiath, Koodalloor and related family members.
Jacob Mutholath and Valsa Chettiath Wedding Jubilee in Los Angeles